Azerbaijanis in the United Kingdom

Azerbaijanis in the United Kingdom (alternatively Azeris) are citizens or residents of the United Kingdom who's ethnic or national origins lie in the Caucasus nation of Azerbaijan.
According to the 2001 UK Census, a meer 561 Azeris were residing in the United Kingdom.
Culture and community
Araz Azerbaijan newspaper is a newspaper published in the United Kingdom which caters for the country's Azeri population. It was founded in 2006 and is considered to be the first Azerbaijani newspaper to be published in Western Europe. It is published monthly and has a circulation of approximately 3,000. In June 2009, an official presentation of the project creating informational background of Azerbaijani cinema and music was held in the London based Culture and Friendship Centre Azerbaijani Houses. The aim of this visual and audio presentation was to help promote Azerbaijani culture within the United Kingdom and help some Azerbaijani students portray what their home nation is like to the general British population. Azerbaijians in the United Kingdom regularly celebrate their traditional new year holiday, Novruz. The holiday occurs yearly in mid-March. London, which has the country's most significant Azeri community, hosts celebratory meetings. Hundreds attend the gettogethers and enjoy traditional Azerbaijani food, dance and music. Often prominent Azerbaijani figures make an appearance as Azerbaijani and British newsstations alike report the celebrations.
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