Australian Transhumanist Association Inc.

The Australian Transhumanist Association Inc. (also known as: ATA) is a non-profit educational organization founded in mid-2018 dedicated to the advancement of the human species past previous biological 'breaking points'. It is aimed at developing the ideals of a future, Utopian society when humans can live forever with or within their machines. The association is based out of Brisbane, Australia and accepts members from the entire Australian community. Recently, the board made the decision to adopt the Transhumanist Declaration, and the association now stands upon the backbones of the experts in the field who wrote the original declaration in 1998, including Max More and Nick Bostrom.
The ATA was originally founded as an unincorporated institution, the Transhumanist Society, in early 2018; it was then incorporated by the Queensland Government the same year after a unanimous vote of the management committee. The association took on the name, Australian Transhumanist Association Inc., and began operating within the Australian community.
The association strives to connect and inspire the public to become aware of transhumanism and the values that are upheld within the Transhumanist Declaration. Through an educational presence on social media, as well as regular meetups in the community and online, the strong social following generated around the society hopes to create goodwill towards transhumanism and the future that humans will create.
The ATA has publicly announced their goal is to "introduce the Australian public to the concept of transhumanism as something 'natural'... and that increasing longevity as well as merging with machines is the indisputable next step".
There are seven (7) main themes the society is built on: Automation, Health, the Singularity, Multi-Planetary, Internet of Things, Well-being and Choice.
The association aims always to be in accordance with these values and the concept of transhumanism itself, that is:
"The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology."
- Oxford English Dictionaries
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