Augusto Orrel

Augusto Orrel. Memorie d'orrore e poesia is a Semi-autobiographical novel by Menotti Lerro published in 2007.
As Andrew Mangham pointed out in his critical book The Poetry of Menotti Lerro, through this book it is possible to get many information about Lerro's childhood. In this text, the author describes young Orrel’s experiences of becoming a man. The latter (whose name is “Lerro” spelt backwards) is a character that the author admits to having based on himself. The first edition was published by Joker publishing. Many elements of the novel follow events in Lerro' own life, and also for this reason the book is considered almost an autobiography.
*The article by M. R. Parsi
*The article by M.R. La Marca
*The comment to the book by Giorgio Bàrberi Squarotti
Augusto Orrel heteronym
In Lerro the figure of Augusto Orrel is not only a pen name and a classical, romantic "double", but it is a heteronym, an indipendent, realistical subject, who writes his own poetry and publishes it, writes his own articles (we can remember the preface to Senza cielo); it is a character who was born in a different day and year that Lerro, and has published his own book of short stories, with the title Storie.
Maria E. Brunner, has translated and analized the Orrel's figure through the book Fuga da Orrel/Flucht vor Orrel, published in Italian and German languages.
Moreover, in the anthology Le solitudini di Aradollo, published in 2007, we can find many poems by Augusto Orrel. It is one of the two heteronyms created by Lerro. The second one is Serse Monetti, with this name Lerro published the book Storia di un cilentano in giro per il mondo
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