Atsuhisa Hiruyami

Atsuhisa Hiruyami is a Japanese music composer who created, with music composer Nobuo Uematsu, the album called Final Fantasy: Origins of Darkness. That album was made available to limited number of people at the "Music From Japan Festival 2000". Nobuo Uematsu composed tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 8. Atsuhisa Hiruyami composed tracks 2, 3, 4, 6, 8. It was released as a MiniDisc(MD-CD). Recorded as: PCM 1411.2kbps (Linear PCM). The MD-CD cover arts, from Nero Source, were included in package. That album is a set of original compositions in the style of Final Fantasy music.
Atsuhisa is working on some projects, according to his personal website:
NOTE: The website needs to be in external links + can somebody find more info...
NOTE 2: This article needs to be fixed a little, the things like "Recorded as PCM, etc"
are useless...
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