Athens Boys Choir

Athens Boys Choir is a transgender spoken word performer based in Athens, Georgia, Harvey Katz. Athens Boys Choir signed with Daemon Records in 2004 and subsequently released the debut album Rhapsody in T. Rose Cuts the Cake, Athens Boys Choir's second album, was released in September 2005.
"The Indigo Girls’ Amy Ray once said of the Athens performer, 'Katz makes room for the evolution of a movement. He doesn’t shy away from questioning his own community and has potential to be a leader to his generation of queers and a bridge to an older generation.'" and in 2009 and 2010 with fellow FTM slam poet Katastrophe on the F to eMbody trans visibility tour.
* Rhapsody in T, Daemon Records, 2004
* Rose Cuts the Cake, Daemon Records, 2005
* Jockstraps And Unicorns, Twinkle Toes Records, 2007
* Bar Mitzvah Superhits of the 80s 90s and Today, Twinkle Toes Records, 2008
* Heartstrings and Hamstrings, Twinkle Toes Records, 2013
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