
APAKHANA is a term coined in modern occult science and spiritual practice which denotes a state of mental clarity, similar to Zen in Buddhism, where the practitioner balances their inner states to a degree which then yields an easier mode of approach towards maintaining focus on absolutely nothing as a means of attaining improved self-awareness.
The purpose is to establish, for the practitioner, a point of pure and clear reference from which to consciously comprehend and receive impressions; Impressions which then enter the individual's own psychological sphere or perception unaffected or unpolluted from anything else the person might identify with, which allows one to come to understand what a pure perception truly is, free from identity with anything else;


Apakhana is consciously controlled disassociation from the ego or any identity;


Apakhana is a revolutionary way of being because of the principle held that it transcends the mechanical mind and animal intellect. It is another name for an ancient and timeless practice for initiates of minor and major mysteries of specific context of gnosis: self knowledge. Apakhana is a personal mantra of gnositics and mystics, both ancient and modern;

Occult Science

Apakhana, as a practice, stems from the principle of the "One Point:" A principle shared within certain esoteric circles, schools of martial science, and mystery schools of the East, such as the Pole Star School, now the Black Dragon Society.


“Apakhana” is a word which can literally interpret as "slimy things made of dust" in the language of Enochian Magick, channeled by Dr. John Dee, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, and Edward Kelley, his skryer, during 17th century England.
When the Ophanic letter Veh is transcribed into Roman letters, it can be written as the letter C or as the letter K.
With a "K," the Sanskrit language has denoted apakhana to mean "cloudlessness" in context of a place.
Esoterically, apakhana symbolizes the “One Point” or “No Mind” of the mystics.

References (1)

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1. The Encyclopedia of Espionage by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen (ISBN 0-517-20269-7)
2. Deacon, Richard: A History of the Japanese Secret Service, Berkley Publishing Company, New York, 1983, ISBN 0-425-07458-7
3. Kim, Ashida: Ninja Book of Enlightenment, Dojo Press, 2000 (No ISBN)
4. Hayes, Stephen K.: The Mystic Arts of the Ninja, Contemporary Book Inc., Chicago, 1985 (ISBN 0-8092-5343-7)

References 3

1. Asprem, Egil. "'Enochian' Language: A proof of the existence of angels?" in Skepsis, published 13.12.2006, http://www.skepsis.no/marginalia/enochian_language_a_proof_of_t.html.
2.Brooks, Lester. Civilizations of Ancient Africa. New York: Four Winds Press, 1972.
3. Harkness, Deborah. John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
4. Laycock, Donald. "Enochian: Angelic language or mortal folly?", 19-64 in: The Complete Enochian Dictionary, edited by Laycock and Steven Skinner. York Beach, ME: Weiser Books 1999.
5. Mandeville, John. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Translated by C. W. R. D. Mosley. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1983.
Phillipson, David. Ancient Ethiopia. London: British Museum Press, 1998.
6. Schmidt, Nathaniel. "Traces of Early Acquaintance in Europe with the Book of Enoch." Journal of the American Oriental Society 42 (1922): 44-52.

References 4
1. (sloan manuscripts MS ####)

References 5

1. Article: India-centric Hydraulic Civilization of the Old World - 5,Dr. V Sankaran Nair, Afghanisthan,

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