Apache BigTop

Apache BigTop is a Apache Software Foundation project which was designed as a fully open source, upstream solution to the problem of integrating components in the Hadoop Ecosystem. These components originally consisted of commonly known data processing tools such as Hadoop (which consisted of MapReduce and HDFS). The most notable components of the original BigTop distribution were Pig, Hive, HBase.
Originally, BigTop was created and submitted to the Apache Software Foundation by engineers at Cloudera, with leading commiters from other major big data companies as well. BigTop now includes modern tools for in memory computing and machine learning, and creates RPM packages for Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Mahout, Kafka, Ignite, and many other tools in the big and fast data space.
As of November, 2015, the most active commiters in BigTop generally come from outside the major hadoop vendor ecosystem.
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