Antagonist incorporated

Antagonist Incorporated, also referred to as "ANT", was an AOL-based gaming fan organization dedicated to the for-fun dramatization of the system wars during the early Nintendo 64/PSX era. The organization, run by the aptly-named "Sgt. Slaughter", was divided up into "Fortresses"; the N64 Fortress, PSX Fortress, PC Fortress, and later the Dreamcast Fortress. The main activity occurred between the N64 and PSX sections, where verbal battles were constantly exchanged through gaming articles and the Fortress' mailbags, run by ANT Asur and ANT Camper respectively. The chatrooms were also a scene of tension with such personalities as "PSX FATBOY SLIM" constantly terrorizing the opposing Fortress' inhabitants. To join, all one had to do was simply create an AOL account with the prefix "ANT", and begin participating. ANT Inc. contained a massive file library of all sorts of gaming media, mostly audio and images seeing as video files weren't practical in the days of dial-up. It also ran contests like a weekly lottery and had an online store for purchase of ANT and other memorabilia.

In its early years, the organization was blessed with an immense fanbase. With the ultimate decline of AOL, Antagonist Inc. eventually moved to the web, wherein its participation dwindled until the organization finally ceased to exist. For all intents and purposes, Antagonist Incorporated has literally been wiped off the face of the internet, with only its former members to provide any kind of information on what it once was.
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