Angela Collins

Angela (Angelina) Collins is an Irish Traveller women who was put into a Magdalene Laundry for twenty seven years of her life.
Early life
Angela was born within a long line of Irish Travellers Tinsmiths. Angela had her own three children out of wedlock with Patrick Ward from Tuam Galway.
St Vincent’s Magdalene Laundry Cork
Angela was put into the institution St Vincent’s Magdalene Laundry in Cork where she spent twenty seven years of her life as a “inmate”. Angela was recommended a hysterectomy ten years before she died of ovarian cancer and was put into St Vincent’s mass grave of seventy two women within , Cork.
Angela’s Legacy
Angela’s daughter Mary Teresa Collins and granddaughter Laura Angela Collins created the organisation Justice 4 All Women & Children to fight for justice for the dead women like Angela and their children, support Traveller survivors and educate the public about the mass graves and the Irish State and Catholic Church run institutions.
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