Andrew Joseph Doiron

Andrew Joseph Doiron was with the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. He was killed in a friendly fire incident on 6 March 2015 during Operation IMPACT while returning to an observation post.
Operations in Iraq
Andrew and the rest of the 69 members of the Canadian Special Operations Regiment in iraq were training Iraqi Kurdish forces to combat ISIL and were guiding in aircraft for airstrikes which most coalition countries were not willing to do.
Kurdish forces say that csor was on the front lines withpout notice and andrew and 3 others exited a vehicle despite kurdish forces disagreeing. the Department of national defence says 'We would ask that the Kurdish authorities ... co-operate with our inquiries, so that we can get to the bottom of this terribly tragic accident and ensure that it does not happen again.'
Friendly Fire Incident
While returning to an OSP, Doiron and other members of the CSOR team were engaged by Iraqi Kurdish forces, resulting in 4 causalities. Sergeant Doir died at 3:50 pm, according to the Department of National Defence. He was the first Canadian soldier killed during Operation IMPACT. CSOR was mostly doing recon and helping coalition aircraft strike targets, though they had recently engaged ISIL forces three different times.
Three others were injured in the incident. Names and conditions are unknown as of 7 March 2015.
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