
Anarcho-nihilism is a philosophy that posits the meaningless of life while also supporting the abolition of the state. Anarcho-nihilists combine the emotivist's opposition to virtually all forms of order with radical subjectivist moral and epistemological theory. Franz Jung was the chief exponent of anarcho-nihilism, and Jens Bjørneboe was also a self-described anarcho-nihilist. It has been argued that industrial societies are characterized by an inner schism which is revealed in anarcho-nihilist modernism. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's anarcho-nihilist inclinations—both in artistic and in political terms— were pronounced in his pre-Futurist works. The British Libertarian Anarcho-Nihilist Nietzschian Party and the German Anarkonihilistisk Folkeparti have thus far not enjoyed any electoral success.
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