The American Bully is a type of dog established in mid-2005 by crossbreeding between American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, American Bulldogs, The American Bully is not recognized by any major kennel clubs, but is recognized by several breed-specific clubs. Breed standard According to the American Bully Kennel Club, the American bully has a well-defined, powerful appearance with straight, muscular legs. The head is medium-length and broad with a well-defined stop and high-set ears, which may be natural or cropped. The neck is thick and strong, tapering from the shoulders to the base of the skull, with no loose skin. Jaws should be square and well-defined, with an even or scissor bite, and the tail should be undocked and of a medium length with only a slight curl. Curly or corkscrew tails are considered to be a fault. The coat is smooth, short, and hard. Any color or combination is acceptable. Any aggression towards humans is disqualifying. Temperament According to American Bully breeders, gameness and dog-aggression have been bred out. The genetic inheritance of aggression is complex and poorly understood. Study of the heredity of canine temperament has demonstrated that temperament heritability scores may be as low as 0.15, as currently living bullies are as few as 6 generations away from the oldest foundation animal, The Late Showtime, under ideal circumstances in which only completely non-aggressive animals were bred, it would be statistically and scientifically impossible to 'breed out' aggression or game-ness within this timeframe. Under ideal circumstances in which breeding only occurred for the purpose of the reduction of aggression, the observed levels of pitbull aggression could be reduced by approximately 62.5% within 6 generations. Despite breeder claims of aggression in American Bullies being bred out recent media reports have implicated American Bullies both in chasing pedestrians off a sidewalk, as well as an attack on a child. However, attacks by supposedly non-aggressive breeds, such as Golden retrievers, do occasionally still occur. Breed Standard, Development and Animal Cruelty United Canine Association breed standards for the American Bully dictate that "The head is large and of medium length, broad skull, very pronounced cheek muscles, distinct stop, short foreface and high set ears.". In addition the American Bully Kennel Club includes an "Extreme" conformation category for dogs with "dogs with heavier body frames and more overall body mass". According to the Pitbull advocacy group Pit Bull Rescue Central the American bully is a "conformationally exaggerated dog with emphasis on extremes: wide, short, jowly and slow-moving. They are not as athletic as their bully breed relatives and may suffer from crippling health problems as they age like English Bulldogs and other breeds bred for a certain look. ". Both inbreeding and breeding for extreme traits has been repeatedly determined to be detrimental to the health and welfare of dogs. *United Bully Kennel Club (UBKC) *Bully Breed Kennel Club (BBKC) *United Canine Association (UCA) *OREBA Registry Kennel Clubs Inc. (OREBA) EUROPE *European Bully Kennel Club (EBKC)