Alpha mom

An Alpha mom (American English) or Alpha mum (British English) is a high achieving, Type A mother.
The term was defined by Good Morning America as follows "Alpha moms have emerged as the generation of college educated woman who take their experiences from the workplace and apply them to parenting with the same intensity. Aware of their potential influence, advertisers are tapping into them to reach moms all over America."
The term Alpha Mom was coined in 2004 by the branding artist and Designer Constance Van Flandern in development of the Comcast On-Demand Television Network originally slated as "The Mommy Channel". While promoting the Alpha Mom Channel, Isabel Kallman, a new mom herself, began to be identified as the Alpha Mom. The June 20, 2005 issue of New York Magazine magnified this perception with a cover story on Kallman entitled “Empire of the Alpha Mom.”
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