All Nippon Airways Flight 8254

On June 26, 2002, All Nippon Airways Flight 8254, a training flight using a Boeing 767, overshot the runway at Shimojishima Airport, injuring one of the three crew members on board.
The aircraft, crewed by an instructor captain and two first officers undergoing training, had been conducting touch and go's at Shimojishima Airport. At 12:54, a touch and go with a simulated right engine failure was carried out. During touchdown, the first officer who was the pilot flying applied go-around thrust to the left engine only. The asymmetric thrust caused the aircraft to veered off the runway, destroying several runway guideline lights. The airport was sub sequentially closed. Only one of the first officers (who was in the in jumpseat at the time of the accident) was injured.
The Aircraft and Railway Accidents Investigation Commission of Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism investigated the accident.
In 2003, the ARAIC released its final report on the accident. The cause was the trainee pilot's improper handling of the aircraft, the instructor's failure to take over control of the aircraft, and confusion between training in a simulator and that of real aircraft. The accident report recommended enhancements to All Nippon Airways' training as well as guidelines for simulating an engine failure.
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