All-India Swami Sahajanand Day

All-India Swami Sahajanand Day On hearing of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati's arrest during Quit India Movement, Subhash Chandra Bose and All India Forward Bloc immediately decided to observe 28 April as an All-India Swami Sahajanand Day for the purpose of protesting against his incarceration as a fitting reply to the British Government.
The full statement of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose is as follows:
"Swami Sahajanand Saraswati is, in the land of ours, a name to conjure with. The undisputed leader of the peasant movement in India, he is today the idol of the masses and the hero of millions. It was indeed a rare fortune to get him as the chairman of the Reception Committee of the All India Anti-Compromise Conference at Ramgarh. For the Forward Block (All India Forward Bloc) it was a privilege and an honour to get him as one of the foremost leaders of the Left movement and as a friend, philosopher and guide of the Forward Block itself. As a matter of fact, following Swamiji's lead, a large number of front-rank leaders of the peasant movement have been intimately associated with the Forward Block.
The sword of Damocles at last fell on Swamiji and he was arrested this morning at Patna under the Defence of India Act. Yesterday he was in Calcutta and we spent long hours in conversation with him. Little did we know at the time that the warrant for arrest was waiting for him at Patna. He left Calcutta last night and this morning at Patna he was placed in custody.
Before he left Calcutta, we issued a joint statement under our signatures appealing for a proper observation of May Day throughout the country.
On hearing of his arrest, we immediately decided to observe 28 April as an All-India Swami Sahajanand Day for the purpose of protesting against his incarceration. We earnestly hope that that day will be observed in such a manner as to give a fitting reply to the British Government."
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