Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

Alexandre J. M. E. Christoyannopoulos (born 1979) is a French-Greek author and politics lecturer. He currently lectures at Loughborough University, England. Christoyannopoulos graduated in Economics from the University of Kent in 2000, then went on to earn an MA in International Relations and European Studies and a PhD in Religious Studies and Politics from the same university. His books Religious Anarchism: New Perspectives and Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel were the topics of his doctoral thesis.
Christian Anarchism cites Leo Tolstoy as its most notable proponent, but also includes references to Jacques Ellul, Vernard Eller, Dave Andrews, Michael C. Elliott, Nikolai Berdyaev, Adin Ballou, , Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin and Ammon Hennacy. In the book Christoyannopoulos concludes the following about Christian anarchism and its place in political thought:
In 2008, Christoyannopoulos founded Academics and Students Interested in Religious Anarchism (ASIRA) within the Anarchist Studies Network, a Political Studies Association specialist group.
In 2011, William Crawley interviewed Christoyannopoulos on BBC Radio Ulster. Crawley posed various questions including asking whether Jesus was an anarchist.
*Religious Anarchism: New Perspectives (2009) editor
*Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel (2010)
*Tolstoy's Political Thought (TBA)
*Essays in Anarchism and Religion (editor, with Matthew Adams, 2017) (EPUB), (Mobi), , (paperback), (PDF),
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