
The website alaTest is a review aggregator launched in Sweden in 2005. It allows users to read reviews on a range of products. The commercial headquarters are in Stockholm, Sweden, and it also has offices in Wuhan China.
alaTest was launched in 2005 by Arie Struik and Peter Björk as an online review aggregator service based in Sweden. It currently aggregates and analyzes 50 million reviews from over 4000 websites. It also provides reviews for major sites like Acer, Samsung Electronics, Philips, Orange, Vodafone, Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH, Euronics and several price comparison web sites.
In 2009, alaTest won both the Red Herring Europe 100 and Global 100 awards.
alaTest uses a combination of screen scraping and data feed supplied by review sites themselves. These reviews are matched against a backend database using a fuzzy logic automatching system. alaTest also uses multilingual opinion mining to extract ratings from the free-text of reviews.
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