Alain Baudet

Alain Baudet (1947 - 2013) was a recognized teacher of Internal Martial Arts and Qigong.
He was president of the French Qigong Federation and teacher educator at the International Qigong Institute for years.
Graduated in Physical and Sports Education, graduated in Psychology and Psycho-Corporal Techniques, osteopath, acupuncturist, expert in Shiatsu and professor of Chinese Martial Arts.
He learned Taichi Chuan of the Zheng Zong, Zhang Zhuang, and Qigong style mainly from the Shigeru Uemura masters and his master, Wang Fulai.
Creator of the well-known series of movements of Qigong "Stretches of the tendinomuscular meridians", which today is practiced and taught in many parts of the world. Years after his death, the Qigong International Institute published a book on this series.
Creator of the concept of Tao of Harmony, our seminars affected since 1985, in various countries, until months before his death, in March 2013.
Tao of Harmony
The Tao of Harmony, a concept developed by Alain Baudet and which is part of his legacy, is considered as a way of personal evolution that uses psycho-corporal techniques based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, biokinegic physiology and osteopathy. . Taking these western concepts as references, we can decode and understand certain Eastern energy teachings in certain hermetic measures.
Inspired by traditional and evolutionary techniques that have their roots in various practices of Qiqong and Taichi, the exercises of the Tao of Harmony (breathing, relaxation, undulations, static or dynamic meditations and directed or spontaneous body expression), are considered as a true internal work, at the same time physical, psycho-emotional and spiritual.
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