Akram Hosen Mandal

Akram Hosen Mandal was a Bangladeshi politician and a union parishad chairman of Haluaghat for more than fifteen years.
In addition to directly serving the people of Haluaghat, he had a contribution to refugee camp management and organisation of Bangladesh’s liberation forces in Mymensingh - Meghalaya region as the main assistant of his brother and then member of parliament late Kudrat Ullah Mandal MP.
In early, mid and late 80s Akram Hosen Mandal turned the streets of Haluaghat as a fertile ground of general strikes and protest rallies against the military dictatorship of General Ershad. In one such protest rallies, he luckily escaped a coordinated assassination attempt of the regime forces and their local collaborators.
He was an elected chairman of Mymensingh's Haluaghat for three times.He was an adviser of Mymensingh District branch of Bangladesh Awami League and the president of Bangladesh Krishok, Sromik Awami League's Haluaghat Sub-district chapter for many years.
Early life
Akram Hosen Mandal was born to Samiruddin Mandal & Kaderjan Beuya in Haluaghat, Mymensingh.
He attended Biroidakuni High School. He followed his elder brother & Haluaghat’s former member of parliament late Kudrat Ullah Mandal into a career in politics.
Contribution during Bangladesh's war for independence
He organised, mobilised & supported freedom fighters in the Haluaghat region during Bangladesh’s war for independence.
With his brother Kudrat Ullah Mandal MP, Akram Hosen Mandal managed several refugee camps in the Indian side of the Mymensingh- Meghalaya border in 1971.
His opposition to, and activism against General Ershad's dictatorship
Akram Mandal had a glorious history of political activism against General Ershad's authoritarian military regime.
As the president of the Haluaghat Upajilla Bangladesh Krishok, Sromik Awami League, he led many successful general strikes and hartals to oppose General Ershad's dictatorship and demand a free & fair election.
In a hartal, he luckily survived a well-coordinated assassination attempt.  Regime sponsored forces and goons attacked a large anti-Ershad protest led by Akram Hosen Mandal. Akram Mandal was the main target. He saved his life by jumping into a pond. His two seriously injured sons were arrested. The incident was then reported by the BBC Bangla.
Akram Hosen Mandal died on 8 February at his residence in Muzakhali. He left his wife Begum Nurunnahar, four sons & four daughters.
Family, neighbors, and Haluaghat's politicians, civil society and masses attended his funeral prayer at the Muzakhali Government Primary School field.
Later he was buried in an area reserved for his family members at the Biroidhakuni Mosque.
There were hundreds of mourners at his funeral.
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