Airport Madness 2 Airport Madness 2 is a level based game which simulates an airport. The player has to control aircraft without letting them crash. GamePlay The player starts with a basic, one-runway airport and gradually plays "up the ladder". When cleared for taxi, aircraft hold short of the runway, and wait for take-off clearance. As the game progress and runways increase, when aircraft has to cross them it waits for the player to allow it to cross. Money is awarded when aircraft takes off and when aircraft arrives at the gate. After three crashes, the game is over. Other Releases Airport Madness 1 is very similar to its 'successor'. One of the major visible differences is that the runways are diagonal instead of straight like AM2. Free Demos are available to play indefinitely of both AM1 and 2. One can still purchase the full version for $6.99 (price the 8/11/09). References & footnotes