Ahmad Aziz Rafiq

Ahmed Aziz Rafiq was born in Kirkuk-Iraq in 1977 is an Australian citizen. Ahmed was detained for 18 months in Iraq with the charge of intending to fight the coalition forces after the American invasion in 2003.
Ahmed who came to Australia in 1999 as a refugee.
has lived in Adelaide and Sydney. In September 2003, Ahmed travelled to Iraq to see his family and prepare for his wedding. In February 2004, and According to Alexander Downer, Australian Foreign Minister, Ahmed was arrested by Kurdish authorities and later handed to the US Army. Ahmed was initially held in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison and later transferred to Camp Bucca.
Ahmed was held without charge until October 2005 when his case was referred to the Central Iraqi Court and interviewed with the Iraqi investigative judge who did not find any evidences against him, decided to determine his release.
It is believed that during series of Interrogation sessions, Ahmed admitted that he came to Iraq for the purpose of obtaining training on using weapons and to participate in insurgency operations against the American forces.
Ahmed now is living in Sydney - Australia with his wife and two children.
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