Aggie Replant

Aggie Replant is a one-day environmental service project carried out by student volunteers at Texas A&M University. Each fall semester, thousands of Aggies participate to plant hundreds of trees at public schools, parks and other properties in order to improve the local environment.

In 1990, Scott Hantman, the Environmental Issues Committee Chair of the Texas A&M Student Government, started Replant in support of and assistance to Bonfire. Bonfire critics lamented the fact that Aggies did not give anything back to the environment after consuming many trees at Bonfire Cut. Scott teamed up with Bonfire leaders and, in spring 1991, planted 400 trees. By 1994, Replant became so large that it was given a Student Government Committee of its own.

Eventually, Replant stopped associating directly with Bonfire and discontinued planting on old Bonfire Cut sites. During the spring of 2000, Replant volunteers planted twelve live oak trees at the Texas A&M Polo Grounds in memory of the twelve victims of the 1999 Bonfire collapse.

In 2000 Replant received the Community Forestry Award from the Texas Forest Service.

Sites of Past Replants
* Replant 1991 -
* Replant 1992 -
* Replant 1993 -
* Replant 1994 -
* Replant 1995 -
* Replant 1996 -
* Replant 1997 - Clayton Williams oil well site
* Replant 1998 -
* Replant 1999 - Local elementary schools, parks, and the landfill
* Replant 2000 - Polo Grounds
* Replant 2001 -
* Replant 2002 - Bryan Regional Athletic Complex
* Replant 2003 - Wolf Pen Creek Park, Mary Oaks Park, Sadie Thomas Park, Oaks Park
* Replant 2004 - Bryan High School, Bonham Park, Henderson Park
* Replant 2005 -
* Replant 2006 - Bonham Elementary School
* Replant 2006 -
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