Agen Kolar

Agen Kolar is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is portrayed by Tux Akindoyeni in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The character also appears in the animated series Clone Wars.

Agen Kolar is a and latterly a member of the Jedi Council. His Padawan was killed during the Battle of Geonosis, after which he was elected to the Council itself. During the Clone Wars, Kolar was sent to search for, and arrest Quinlan Vos, whom he did not know was a double-agent working for the Jedi Council to provide false information to Count Dooku. Kolar successfully captured Vos, but lost him when Vos' assistant mounted a rescue.

Agen Kolar is introduced in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, when he takes part in the Battle of Geonosis, although his appearance would appear to be brief.
Kolar makes his final film appearance in Revenge of the Sith. After learning that Chancellor Palpatine is in fact a Sith Lord, Mace Windu leads a strike team consisting of Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto to arrest the corrupt Chancellor. After the short talk between the Chancellor and Windu, Palpatine draws his lightsaber, quickly killing Kolar by stabbing him through the stomach. Agen Kolar is the first of the Jedi to die in the Chancellors Office, and effectively is the first victim of the Great Jedi Purge.

In the , Kolar dies before Anakin Skywalker pulls into the landing station. Skywalker cannot see who the combatants are yet, only their lightsabers. When Kit Fisto's green blade disappears, he rushes into the office to see who was killed. There, he finds Kolar's dead body and the bodies of Tinn and Fisto.

In the novelization, it is Saesee Tiin, not Agen Kolar, who dies first having been tricked by Palpatine. Kolar dies just moments later. Thus, in the novelization, Tinn is the first victim of the Great Jedi Purge, although the movie canon would probably take precedence in this matter.

According to the comic version of Revenge of the Sith Kolars' last words were "It doesn't... hurt.".

Behind the scenes
Originally, Agen Kolar was supposed to be Eeth Koth, a Jedi Master who appeared in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. However, since the two were portrayed by different actors (Eeth Koth had been portrayed by Hassani Shapi), and the physiology of the two was noticeably different, George Lucas decided to rename the character to Agen Kolar. Agen Kolar also appears in the cartoon animated series, Clone Wars, but his physiology again is more representational of Eeth Koth.

In other media
*He is an unlockable character in Lego Star Wars for PS2, Nintendo DS, PC, Gamecube, and Xbox.
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