
The Afro-Moors are ethnic Arab-African ancestry people who are settling mainly in the area of Greater Mauritania which is covering what is today northwestern Niger, as well as most of Mali, and Northern Senegal. Afro-Moors speak Hassaniya Arabic which is one of the regional varieties of Arabic. They are mainly found in Mauritania, making up 40% of the population but, Smaller populations are found in Northwest Mali, Northern Senegal, The Gambia, and Parts of Northwest Niger, and to some lesser extent Western Sahara. Arab-Berber tribes inhabiting the Maghreb, eventually mixed in with Black Sub Saharan-African tribes migrating and or being traded (Arab Slave Trade) within the areas of Greater Mauritania and the Maghreb, creating present day Afro-Moors who are of Arab-Berber, and Black ethinicty.
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