Adele Croucamp

Early life
Adele Croucamp grew up in the North-West province of South Africa in a town called Potchefstroom. She matriculated in 2002 from Ferdinand Postma High school.
Adèle is a HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa) registered Organisational Psychologist with 10 years’ experience in Process Facilitation, Change Management, Leadership development and Talent Management. She is also a qualified teacher (B.Ed) and holds Honours degrees in Organisational Psychology and Educational Management from the North-West University. She completed her Masters’ degree in Social Sciences at the University of Cape Town. Her research dissertation was in the field of Talent Management and focused on developing a competency framework for HODs of Higher Education Institutions in South Africa.
Adèle launched her career in the mining industry in South Africa, where she was the Programme Manager responsible for developing a selection and assessment centre for recruitment purposes. Although the focus throughout her career has been on Talent Management and Change Management, she has experience with various companies in Programme and Project Management across numerous industries. She has worked on several strategy development projects and have supported companies with organisational restructuring on system, process and people levels. Since beginning her career, Adèle has worked for Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed companies in several sectors and industries. She has worked in multiple countries across Africa, the Middle East and Europe, including South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Qatar, Oman, Jordan, Kuwait and Czechia. In 2017 she started her own consulting firm, called ACConsulting.
Adèle was awarded membership to the Golden Key association for outstanding Academic performance and the Rectors Award for Outstanding Leadership, as well as the Abe Bailey Scholarship and Mandela Rhodes Scholarship. She has held several leadership roles in her university career which include being the first female to be elected as the SRC Chairperson for 2 consecutive terms, as well as being the first student to serve on the ISRC for three consecutive terms.
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