Abu Hafiza

Abu Hafiza () is a Moroccan military psychiatrist and a master planner for Al Qaeda.
In the Spring of 2003, while secretly traveling undetected to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, Abu Hafiza recruited Al Qaeda combatants for the battles in Fallujah.
He again secretly traveled undetected to Pakistan, in the fall of 2003, this time to the mountains of Waziristan, where he met Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri
to propose strategies for Al Qaeda's 2004 campaign. He claimed that Iraq would be Al Qaeda's battlefront where it would confront the United States. According to Debka.com (an Israeli intelligence website), his intention with the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks was to damage Spain's "psyche" in order to influence elections and to start a domino effect which would eventually affect Britain's Tony Blair, Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, and the United States President George W. Bush.
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