Abu Baseer

Abu Baseer (), also known as Utbah ibn Baseed, was a contemporary of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
Early islam
He had fled from Makka after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, upset by the atrocities committed by the Quraysh he saught refuge among Muslims of Madina, but was asked to return since in accordance with Islamic law it was not allowed to break a treaty so he was not accepted. The 2 men from Quraysh who were pursuing Abu Baseer, grabbed him and tied him to their caravan to return him back to Makka. However, Abu Baseer managed to escape from the ropes and flee. To his dismay one escaped alive and the next day reached the Muslim caravan demanding Abu Baseer to be handed over. Again the Prophet ordered Abu Baseer to go with him again since he would be a war kindler. Abu Baseer understood that he needed to leave and went for the shore, there Abu Jandal ibn Suhayl joined him after freeing himself from the Quraysh in Makka. Eventually whenever a Muslim escaped Makka, they joined Abu Baseer, until they became a big group.
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