Abstract concept generator

An abstract concept generator is a generator or generative that produces “some kind of abstract object” which represents the maximal content of a whole set of discourse deriving from this concept.
Generative system
A 'generative system' is a system that uses a few basic rules to yield patterns which can be extremely varied and unpredictable.
Generative process
A generative process is a process in which n alternatives occur simulatneously from one source with equal or varied probabilities.
Reactive process
A reactive process is a process of reaction to stimuli presented by environment or of experimentation as an interface to the outside world from which the stimuli come. and by most dictionaries of linguistics. Generate is being used as a technical term with a particular sense. To say that a grammar generates a sentence means that the grammar "assigns a structural description" to the sentence. The concept of 'creativity' in deductive systems accounts for the infinite possibilities resulting from transformational rules. As an example, we have a procedure that works in a subject area of interest. For a new subject area of interest, we apply this same procedure as a first approach. Since the new area of interest is not the same as the original, the procedure most likely has to be modified to work well. The new procedure is the new abstraction. The concretization is the taking of the well-working procedure 'per se' to apply it as an entity itself to the new subject area of interest. This entire process is reification as an abstract concept generator.
Toolmaking is the act of making tools of any kind, from the simplest handtools made of plant fiber or stone, to the most technologically advanced tools. For example, an animal that likes to eat ants sees them climbing a branch of a bush or small tree, snaps off the branch, and eats the ants off the branch. This might be called the 'ant acquiring and eating procedure', especially if it works quite often. The animal sees an ant hill nearby so it takes the branch over to the ant hill, drops one end of the branch into the ant hill, and when ants climb up the branch out of the hill it plucks the branch out of the hill and eats the ants on the branch. This is a new procedure that might be called 'ants from an ant hill for eating'. Toolmaking can result from reification which generates a new abstract concept, in this example, called 'ants from an ant hill for eating'. This form of toolmaking is a topic of interest in anthropology, where some animals make and use tools.
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