Abdul Jalil Orakzai

Captain Abdul Jalil was born on March 1931. His last wish was "if I died, I want to die like a soldier fighting in battle field with enemies, not on the way to battle field and some bullet or bomb hitting me before the war starts".  
Early Life
Abdul Jalil studied in Govt. Primary School Bhanamari Peshawar in 1941, Secondary School Certificate (SSC) from Islamia City High School in 1947, FA 1951 and Bachelors (BA) from Edwards College Peshawar in 1953. In 1954 he went to University of Peshawar for Masters in English, completed his part one but missed Final Exam due to army duties, war and eventually got Shahadat.
He was a good athlete and made record in Pole Vault jump in inter collegiate sports. He was awarded College Sports Color.  He was also Secretary / Member of Athletic Team and Proctor / Monitor in Edwards College Peshawar 1951 -1953.
Army career
Capt. Abdul Jalil applied for regular commission in Pakistan Army during his studies and was rejected on first attempt. But his love for country and passion of Pakistan Army tempted and he tried again to join Pakistan Army in education force. He was selected for short course and went to Officers Training School (O.T.S) Kohat in 1958. He got Pak Temporary Commissioned (PTC) in Pakistan Army in 1959 as Second Lieutenant.
He started his career in Pakistan Army as an Education Officer and served as A.E.C Officer in the 12 Frontier Force from 1959-1961 at Lahore and Quetta. In 1961, he was promoted as Lieutenant and during same time converted from education to infantry and joined the 3 Punjab Regiment. In 1964, he was promoted to Captain.
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
In the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, he was deputed to Azad Kashmir Regiment - 25 AKRF designated (ACO). On 6 Sep 1965, "C Company", under his command, was given the mission to capture enemy's Kalidhar post, Azad Kashmir, which widely overlooked/ dominated areas. Abdul Jalil was commanding right forward company for this operation, during this operation, due to his leadership and his scrupulous dedication to duty was displayed by him. When his company reached only 100 yards from target, enemy shelling became dangerously heavy but he went into the battle field and shouted "NARA TAKBEER" and was the first man pouncing upon the first enemy's bunker. After capture of first, he went on top of second bunker and was in the process of charging and then got machine gun burst straight on his chest and fell down. He however continued encouraging his men and his last words were "We Must Destroy Every KAFIR in This Post" and embraced Shahadat on 07 Sept 1965.
Posthumous Award
He was posthumously awarded military award "Sitara-e-Jurat" due to performing his duty with distinction, showed complete disregards to his own life and willingly and boldly gave supreme sacrifice in order to safeguard the honor and dignity of the nation and set an example for his men and his iron willed character will never be forgotten. His posthumous military award was received by his closest friend Dr. Muhammad Ali from President Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan in 1966.
His body was handed over to family in March 1966 after recovered from India. His body was identified by his closest friend Dr. Muhammad Ali Malik (Dental Surgeon) from that gold tooth which was implanted by him. Capt. Abdul Jalil was buried at his family cemetery with full military honor.
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