Abdul Hamid Al Zaidi

Abdul Hamid Al zaidi link title is a distingusied figuer in the feild of planing and implementation for media industry in Kuwait, he is the founder and CEO of Ebsar Holding which has more than 10 media related companies under its umberella, he has held many mangemntal and effecitve posts in the governmental and private sectors , he was the key and founder for two of thw most effective projects in the middle east that include, Ghiras project (National Drug Preventive Project) that was started in 1999 and the second one is the Economic Reform program that was in cooperation with the Wolrd Bank and International Monetary Fund.


Abdul Hamid Al zaidi consider one of the prominent middle east investors, he invests and establish a group of compaines including, Ebsar Holding Companylink title, Circle PSA link title,rainmaker company link title,5m media company link title,5moutdoor.com link title
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