A Slice at a Time

"A Slice at a Time" is a science fiction short story by British writer Karen Traviss. The story, which was published in July 2002 in Asimov's Science Fiction, describes human culture interacting with alien culture. The story was given an honourable mention in the book Year's Best Science Fiction #20.
The story details members of the human race meeting with an alien culture where parents may cannibalize their own children.
"A Slice at a Time" was first published in the July 2002 edition of the magazine Asimov's Science Fiction. It was later translated into French as "Morceau par morceau" and published in the anthology Science-Fiction 2006, published by Bragelonne.
In a review for Science-Fiction 2006 ActuSF noted that the story was one of the better pieces and that it was "rather dark".
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