A Meadowcrest Apothecary

A brother of recently slain Malone looks for his brother's killer in a town full of secrets. This modern day film noir, A Meadowcrest Apothecary is Aaron Pifer-Foote's first professional film production. Started as an abstract done in his high school twelfth grade English class, Pifer-Foote began to write the screenplay which took about two years to finalize. Production began in October 2008 and ceased in December 2008. Tentatively, the movie will be released on January 30, 2009 from Bacctapus Films.

The film does not have an internet movie database (imdb) page yet, but due to the independent nature of the production, this proves unnecessary.


I circulate the streets. What else is there to do? I bore even myself on sleepless nights like this. Our cities contain characters like I - mirages with cluttered faces. Only not me - shadows with foreign tongues. Feigning who I am is who I am now, feigning for exuberance and feigning for frightful unsettling nuances.

During the timeless period in the faceless town of Meadowcrest, the story takes place.

The entire project cost under $1500 to make. As of December 7, 2008 the project is in post-production of editing and color-grading.

The film contains a 28 minute track from the Canadian band 43 43.
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