A Good Woman in Paris

A Good Woman in Paris is the 6th film directed by South Korean filmmaker Im Sang-soo shot in Paris, France, at a budget around $4m USD. It was shot on super 35mm film.


The film is being touted as A Good Lawyer's Wife in Paris, but with a twist.

From the press release:

A 5-star hotel room… a half-empty champagne bottle, caviar, oysters… A Korean woman is lying naked in bed, legs spread, and moaning in pleasure, as a younger man has his face in her crotch…
Outside, broad daylight, early afternoon...Paris. The Korean woman from earlier, immaculately dressed, coiffed and looking dashing, exits from the revolving door, followed by a much younger man, the look of a dishevelled rich boy, arms laden with bags from a top Paris designer...Yeon gives her hand for the man to kiss, and off she goes with her bags into the waiting taxi cab...
A Korean woman lives in Paris among men who adore and want her. She has a French boyfriend whom she lives with. He is a French civil servant, hard-working, and from a refined French family with very old money. They agree to the living arrangements but not to marriage, which for Yeon is perfectly acceptable.
While her husband "works" day and into the night for the French government, she plays and plays into the night. She has a PhD in French literature and keeps busy with the elite in culture and fashion, she is serving as muse to several wealthy creative men.
But the rest of Korean Paris does not look kindly on her success. With much jealousy they try to knock her down as a high-class so she has some enemies. There are also her jealous lovers, who seek to own her even though she cannot be owned.
But then, to her shock, she finds that her boyfriend has a lover, a fellow worker in the defense department. She confronts her, only to find another desperate enemy. Yeon knows that she is secure in her relation with be boyfriend, but with so many against her, can Yeon stay on top?
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