A Common Agenda for Health and Environment

A Common Agenda for Health and Environment is a statement of commitment to six Generational Goals to be achieved within one generation that will leave our children a healthy world full of hope and possibility.
A Common Agenda is a project of the Toward Tomorrow Initiative, led by faculty and staff at the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell. The purpose of Toward Tomorrow is to stimulate discussion and action toward a future in which human activity enhances the health and well-being of people and ecosystems.
Nearly 100 leaders of healthcare, community development, environmental, labor and agriculture organizations began a conversation about the world we want to leave our children, and what it will take to get there within a generation. From this conversation and an understanding of the connections between the health of the environment and the health of human beings, came a conviction that by working together, people can realize their capacity for living sustainably and in harmony. Over the course of 2007, this group developed a vision of the future one generation from now, set generational goals to be accomplished by then, and chose priority action items to lead us there.<references/>A Common Agenda for Health and Environment: Goals for the Next Generation and Steps to Get There. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, 2009.</references/>
The process of developing generational goals and holding decision-makers accountable to progress toward them has helped people, governments and businesses in other countries to make major strides toward their visions of a sustainable future.<reference/>See http://www.milijomal.nu/english.english.php</referencess/> This project is designed to contribute to similar successes in the United States—where there is both urgent need and great opportunity for courageous decision-making by individuals and institutions—with the result of a new era of health and well-being for future generations and the natural world.<references/> Common Agenda for Health and Environment: Goals for the Next Generation and Steps to Get There. Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, 2009</references/>
--Toward tomorrow (talk) 19:28, 3 June 2009 (UTC)
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