There are many benefits of converting PowerPoint to Flash, such as greater accessibility, compatibility, smaller file size, sound integration, streaming, secure, email-ready, etc. Here are 6 ways for you to convert PowerPoint presentation to Flash. Convert PowerPoint to Flash with Wondershare PowerPoint to Flash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wondershare PowerPoint to Flash is a PowerPoint add-in which could help anyone convert PowerPoint presentation to Flash with one click. Here are the following steps: 1. Download Wondershare PowerPoint to Flash and install it on your computer. 2. Launch the program, import your presentation you want to convert. 3. Click Publish to convert your presentation to Flash.
Virtue: Retains all the animations, hyperlinks, multimedia objects after conversion. Has up to 90% reduction in file size after conversion. Convert PowerPoint to Flash using OpenOffice --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Launch Impress. 2. File -> Open, open the PowerPoint presentation that you wish to convert to flash. 3. Click File -> Export. 4. Choose Macromedia Flash (SWF) (.swf) in the Filter box. Click OK. Defect: All the animations, multimedia files in the presentation will disappear after conversion. So it is ideal way for static presentations. Convert PowerPoint to Flash manually with Adobe Flash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Saving PowerPoint slide into WMF. Office button -> Save As -> Other Formats, choose Windows Metafile (*.WMF) at Save as type drop-down list, and click Save. Then click Every Slide button in the pop-up dialog. 2. Importing the WMF files into Flash. 3. Exporting the FLA file to a SWF file. For detailed, please refer: Defect: So complicated and all the animations will disappear after conversion. Convert PowerPoint to Flash via online file conversion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zamzar is a web application to convert files. It allows user to convert files without downloading a software tool. Users can type in a URL or upload file from their computer, Zamzar then converts the file(s) to specified format. You could upload the presentation you want to convert, select swf format and then input your email to receive an email with a URL from where you can download the converted file.

Defect: Conversion will often fail, limitation to file size, and most of the animations will disappear.
Convert PowerPoint to Flash with presentation sharing website ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,, are good presentation sharing websites. You could upload your presentation to these websites, and then they will convert your presentation to Flash and share it on web. Defect: Ideal way to share the Flash presentation online, you cannot download the Flash to your computer. Convert PowerPoint to Flash with screen recorder --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download and install Comtasia ( on your computer and then follow the steps below. 1. Save your PPT file as PPS file. 2. Set Camtasia studio to record the whole screen. 3. Play your PowerPoint PPS file and Press "F9" to start recording the screen. 4. When you reach your last blank slide, Press F10 to tell Camtasia Recorder to stop recording. You will be prompted to save the captured slideshow, so choose a directory and enter a filename. 5. Save your capture in SWF format. Defect: It will a little time-consuming if there are many slides in your presentation. Which way works for you --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the above methods can help you convert PowerPoint to Flash, which method works for you depends on your presentation. For static presentation with no music, videos and animations, you can use OpenOffice, Adobe Flash or online file conversion service for you. For multimedia presentation with music, videos and animations, Wondershare PowerPoint to Flash or screen recorder is a good choice. However, a good screen recorder is a little expensive than a PowerPoint to Flash.