
58th is an upcoming Philippine adult animated docudrama film co-written and directed by Carl Joseph Papa. The film portrays the Maguindanao massacre that took place in 2009, discussing the story about a photojournalist, the 58th and last victim, who went missing or declared "dead".
* Glazia de Castro as Ma. Reynafe Momay-Castillo, a daughter of the disappeared photojournalist Reynaldo "Bebot" Momay.
Ricky Davao, Mikoy Morales, Biboy Ramirez, Marco Masa, and Zyren Dela Cruz were cast in undisclosed roles.
After his completion to his third film Iti Mapukpukaw, he is currently working on his fourth animated feature film, Sentinel, with producer Geo Lomuntad, although it never came to fruition through further updates as of 2024. Instead, he switched to documentary about the massacre in 2009. Aica Riz Ganhinhin, a frequent collaborator of Papa, serves as a co-writer in the film.
Similar to his previous films, the film used rotoscoping techniques entirely to reflect the story behind the massacre.
In Nov 2024, Glaiza de Castro offered the lead role as the daughter of Reynaldo Momay, alongside Ricky Davao, Mikoy Morales, Biboy Ramirez, Marco Masa, and Zyren Dela Cruz are announced to be part of the cast line-up.<ref name=":0" />
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