11th and 7th millennium BC

Hypothesis: Proto—Indo—European as a Creole used during Glaciation




Nota Bene (Note Well): The below presented divisions are averages of “clumping” on the continuum—yes, continuum. For more detail, please, read the source pdf—document. This article (or the commentary part of it) makes no claims; it is a translation of the scientific data into simple every—day language and logic. Simplified (this is the key word both at the very—day logic's level and quiet likely based on the scientific simplification 'already' ) division of Human Species.

First major split: Native—Americans and non—Native Americans. Native—Americans (many migrations forged 'one people'):Arctic, Salishan,
Amazonian, Athabaskan, North—East Amerindian, and Mestizo as well as Central Amerindian.


The question is: was it a split, or simply they have moved farthest from the Central Landmass (the Super--continent of Afro—Euro—Asia)?

Second Split:Sub—Saharan (West African and East African), and Polynesian, on one hand; and Eurasians, and Australians on the other.
Eurasians did farther divide into: European/Near—Eastern and Asian groups. Europeans/Near—Eastern group did split into: Arabian and North—African groups, on one hand; and into “Caucasian—European” group, on the other hand.

This group split into: Fino—Ugrian group and non—Fino-Ugrian group. The non-Fino—Ugrian group did split into: Asia Minor and non—Asia Minor group. The non-Asia Minor group did split into: Eastern European and non-Eastern European groups. The non-Eastern European group did split into: Mediterranean and North—West European groups.


Hypothesis:Italic text


The pre-existence of the Aryans as the perfect Indo—European race has been called a myth; but the DNA evidence shows that North—West Europeans 'racial' group has been achieved by narrowing of the gene pool on quite a few occasions (the so-called Black Plague included). The problem with the human races (the Neandertalis sub—Species or Species within the Human Family, included) living in the harsh climates is that they do achieve great adaptation to the local climate, but this adaptation (narrowing of the gene pool and extreme “above” genetic adjustment in one direction) does make these races less likely to adapt to any climatic changes.


This evidence places the myth of the pre—existing perfect Aryan race not three feet under, but six feet under. It shows as well that the Indo—European language group was formed by genetically different groups of people who have dwelt together. This should be the key to the problem of the area (as pointed by Collin Renfrew (check my spelling) in his book Archeology and Language3) and that the Proto—Indo—European was too rich to be just one language: a lingua franca.


It is likely that during the period of Glaciation (no word for sea or ocean; the word for sea or ocean comes form the common root for a lake or a small body of water) different peoples, who spoke different languages, and were coming from different genetic branches of the Human race were forced to dwell together within the South—Western Eurasia in a landlocked (or landlocked and icelocked) area.


To communicate, they used a Creole of different languages that they spoke. That Creole used for a couple, if not few thousand years was the Proto—Indo—European. Like any Creole made of many languages it did differ greatly in form at the geographical extremes , but when it comes to commerce (Numbers: http://en. .org/wiki/Centum-Satem_isogloss) and military conflict as well as food, it was similar all over the area that it was used.


This is my answer, Robert Kolakowski ibn Stanislaw ibn Jozef, born on 28DEC73, in Poland, out of Eugenia Kolakowska nee Zielinska (at 1515, local time) “ski vs ska,” graduate of Rutgers University in Newark, NJ, and ex-SPC INF of US Army to both Renfrew (check my spelling) and his Hindu Opposition.


Post Scriptum:

The Asian group splits into: Indian group, and non—Indian group. The Indian group splits into: North Indian group and non—North Indian group (made of Indian Tribal and Indian groups). The non—Indian group splits into: Mongolian group and non—Mongolian group. The non--Mongolian group splits into: South—Eastern Asian and Malaya Archipelago groups, on one hand; and Japanese and Sino-Tibetan groups on the other. The Sino—Tibetan groups splits into: Chinese group and Tibetan group.


As one can see Science, although rooted in the common sense is not common sense.


Post Scriptum_2

The 1st intrigue, in spite of some people trying to label it as racist (post—racist at worst, I would say), came from the world of sports; when the traditional racial division was challenged in the book
Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It by Jon Entine.
Author: Robert Kolakowski




2.Own Hypothesis


3.Archaeology and Language: The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins, Collin Renfrew (check my spelling);published by the Press Syndicate of the Univesity of Cambrige, Copy—right' 1987

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